إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق


4.8 ( 5168 ratings )
اللياقة الصحية &
المطور: Bausch & Lomb Incorporated

WD HEALTH is being provided strictly as a convenience for its users. Any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this app is hereby disclaimed.
This app is provided for informational purposes only. The app does not provide any medical advice on the Site, and the Information should not be construed or used as medical advice. The content on the app does not replace the advice or services of a medical doctor or healthcare provider. You should consult a physician in all matters related to your health. This app has tools to record and store information that you input after accessing your password-protected account. You are solely responsible for your own content, including steps to prevent unauthorized persons from having access to your password and your account. As a condition of use, you agree to not use the services for any purposes other than those intended within the app. You hereby agree that you shall not make any health or medical decision based in whole or in part on content provided on this Site. This mobile app may contain copyrighted information that may not be reproduced in any way.